מין מוח שכזה
עם ד"ר עמוס גדליהו
Online Lecture:
Passion and Desire
An intoduction to the
Neurobilogy of Intimacy

Amos Gdalyahu, Ph.d.
Brain researcher and expert in NeuroSexuality

What is NeuroSexuality?
NeuroSexuality is a groundbreaking field of research, in which we attempt to deepen our understanding of human sexual behaviour from a neuroscientific perspective.
Insights from this field, give us a better understanding of sexual concepts like pleasure, sexual functioning, relationships, etc'.
It also helps to explain other concepts like motivation, addiction, attachment and many many more.
About the lecture
On this lecture, you will get your first glimple into the facinating world of NeuroSexuality.
First, we will debunk many myths and false beliefs,
about the sources of passion and desire,
Secondly, we will examine cutting edge reasearch and
learn about the actual brain centers,
that are responsible for managing our desires.
And finaly, we will see what this knowledge teaches us
about the applicability and optential of actual medical treatment
for cases like deacreased libido,
premature ejaculation and even behavioral therapy.
July 5th 8:00 pm London time
Online via Zoom
Presale tickets 15$ US
(Click below to check availability)
Regular Tickets 25$ US
Who is the lecture for?
Human sexuality matters to every human being, and I truly believe that this knowledge can help all of us to better understand ourselves, our partners, and the entire human race.
However, the lecture itself is designed for therapists, mental health-care professionals, and others who want to better understand sexual behavior.
So if you want to get up-to-date with current research
and learn about new, ground breaking treatment possibilities,
this lecture is for you.
Participation does not require any previous knowledge
and you can feel free to register,
even if you do not have any background in brain reasearch.

About me
My name is Dr. Amos Gdalyahu.
I am an Israeli scientist, holding a Ph.D. in Neurobiology
and for over 20 years, I've been conducting brain research at top institutions such as
The Weizmann Institute of Science,
and Tel Aviv University.
My discoveries have been published in cutting-edge,
prestigious scientific journals:
"Nature Communications"
"Human Molecular Genetics"
(to name but a few)
and have also been widely cited.
Over the years, I've developed an interest in sexuality,
which has led me to focus my attention on the subject, study it intesely and finaly,
create an online course on the neuroscience of sexuality called
'The Neurobiology of Intimacy - The Brain Behind The Bed'.
I truly believe that understanding human sexuality from a neurological and scientific standpoint can greatly improve all aspects of our lives and it is my mission, to make this knowledge widely available.
These days, I teach "Bio-sexuality" to therapists in the sexual therapy program at the "Sheba Medical Center".
Additionally, I teach a course "Human Sexuality" in the Faculty of Medicine at Tel-Aviv University and in the School of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM)
In 2023, I was invited as the keynote speaker at the conferences of the
Israeli Association for Sexual Therapy
and the Israeli Association for Fertility Research.
July 5th 8:00 pm London time
Online via Zoom
Presale tickets 15$ US
(Click below to check availability)
Regular Tickets 25$ US